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Ladies, If He Does These 5 Things, He’s The One

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how to know if he's the one

The world of dating and relationships is a minefield and there are many “landmines” that can cause problems or even disasters if you’re not careful. You might think you’re making progress and then suddenly, you hit a mine and the whole thing blows up. 

To navigate the minefield of dating and relationships, you need to be aware of potential landmines and take steps to avoid them. 

But, you can’t navigate these minefields alone. It’s worth having a flexible partner who is willing to work with you and improve the relationship. There are certain qualities that can help you decide whether they are The One or not. 

You would know if a man is right for you if:

He’s Willing to Compromise

A partnership involves two individuals from different backgrounds coming together as a unit. Of course, this could result in varying perspectives. It’s a double-edged sword. It could either be the spice of your relationship or the poison that kills it slowly. 

If healthily acknowledged, the difference in the way each individual who makes up the relationship sees and does things might not be a problem. However, if not properly managed it could become a reason to spite each other. This is where compromise becomes necessary. 

image for how to know if he's the one

Compromise will help you have a balanced relationship. Moreover, if one individual in the relationship insists on having his or her way every time,  the other individual could feel slighted or cheated and the relationship turns sour. So if your partner is willing to compromise, then he just might be The One.

He Trusts You

Trust is one of the backbones of a healthy relationship. Without trust, a relationship will not go very far. Having unhealthy jealousy or not trusting your partner in a relationship is a sign of insecurity, projecting this insecurity on your partner could lead to frustration.

Lack of trust results in a lack of contentment and feelings of unhappiness in the relationship. And if left unchecked, one could begin to build resentment for one’s partner. 

Ladies, If He Does These 5 Things, He's The One

To trust someone, though, you need to be trusted. Therefore, if you want a trustworthy partner, examine yourself to see if you are reliable as well. 

Signs of trust involve being vulnerable with your partner and maintaining integrity in that relationship. So if your man shows these signs, then he’s a keeper.

You Each Have Your Own Lives

In mathematics, one plus one equals two. But in a relationship, one plus one equals one meaning that each member of that relationship is a unit and each unit came together to become a couple. Now they are involved in each other’s life but that doesn’t mean that their individual lives will become non-existent.

For a relationship to be healthy and to grow, each unit of that relationship ought to still have their own individual life besides their life together as a couple. It helps to retain one’s individuality, that is, to still feel like they are a person and not just a part of a relationship.

Ladies, If He Does These 5 Things, He's The One

If a couple has their lives entwined so much that they can’t do anything alone if the other partner isn’t physically present or involved, it can become unhealthy for that relationship and soon enough one of the partners if not the two of them will begin to feel suffocated.

It’s very important to find a partner who doesn’t make you feel like your life revolves around him, but who instead respects the fact that even in a relationship, you’re still your own person.

He’s Empathetic 

Empathy! This quality cannot be overemphasized in a relationship. Empathy helps you to feel the pain that someone else is feeling. Empathy is putting yourself in that person’s shoes to feel where it pinches them.

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For example, if your man tells you that you’ve offended him but you feel like what he’s talking about isn’t even a big issue could you put yourself in his shoes and see how your actions may have hurt him? 

Empathy is super important in a relationship and if people in relationships had more empathy for each other the rate of breakups and divorce will be significantly reduced.

Ladies, if you have a guy who is empathetic and tries to feel how you feel even when he doesn’t fully understand why you feel that way, then do not let him go!

He’s Supportive

Everyone needs someone who supports them unconditionally. Someone who is always in their corner. So ladies, if your man is very supportive of you, let him know how much you appreciate him.

image for how to know if he's the one

Now support can come in different ways. Does he encourage you when you feel discouraged? Does he take up responsibilities, probably chores, to give you more time to pursue your dreams and ambitions? Does he share with you videos, podcasts, books or materials that he feels you might find helpful? Could it be that he gets you a meal when you are so engrossed in what you are working on that you forget to eat? 

All these are little ways that a man could support his woman. If he’s your number one Hype Man, keep him!

This isn’t an exhaustive list. There are many other things to be considered when deciding whom you’ll spend the rest of your life with. So as you explore how to know if he’s the one, remember, nobody is perfect. If he’s willing to give his best in the relationship, make sure that you are also giving similar energy. It is noteworthy to mention that a strong relationship is one in which both parties are givers.

Also, if you’re yet to find your Mr. Right, you should get on Fusion as it’s one of the best places to meet people online!

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