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What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Eat

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What To Do When You Don't Know What To Eat

Can you believe there are people in this world who would rather stay hungry just because they can’t figure out what to eat? I bet you know someone like that or maybe you’re even that someone. I know you’ve tried really hard but most times you end up spending hours thinking of what to eat without results to show for it…..It’s okay fam, we’re in this together! I came up with a list of possible solutions that would help take care of this problem once and for all.

Here’s a list of the things you can do when you don’t know what to eat:

Visit a friend/neighbour

We all have that one friend/neighbour that’s always cooking or has their freezer loaded with food and lots of goodies. If you have struggled with what to eat for hours and you’ve not come up with a solution, it’s a perfect time to draw up a list of those friends/neighbours, put a call through and find out how they’re doing, if they’re home, what they’re doing and how you can be of help (yes, help! Don’t just show up wanting to take, look for ways to give back too, your conscience will thank you for it). Once you figure that out, hop out with a cheerful spirit knowing you are returning home well fed and if you’re in luck, you might return with an extra plate of food or two.

Mama-put restaurants

These guys have been saving lives since 1965 and they keep getting better and more sophisticated at their craft. From various local dishes like, “Amala with Gbegiri and Ewedu”, “Ewa Agoyin” and bread to attempting intercontinental dishes like chinese fried rice with shredded beef sauce and the likes, all these mama put and other local restaurants are not “greeing” for anybody. The best part–they’re not so expensive and they’re everywhere! So just stroll in and help yourself to a great meal.

Order in

What To Do When You Don't Know What To Eat

Technology has made everything much easier. There are a lot of food vendors online these days. All you need to do is select one that matches your taste and budget. And with a few clicks, you can easily order a plate of food, bowl of soup or anything you’d like to eat from the comfort of your mobile device.

Phone a friend

What To Do When You Don't Know What To Eat

Sometimes, talking to a friend or a loved one might just be what you need. Put a call through and ask them to help you place an order for good food. Delegating that responsibility takes the stress off you. They might just get you an old time favourite dish or something that might catch your palatal fancy. At the end of the day, what are friends for?

Make a food timetable 

This would really go a long way to help stall the problem of what to eat as it would help provide structure. So instead of spending hours on end wondering what to eat, you’ll just check what options you have on your time-table and in no time, you’ll have a meal staring at you. 

Meal Prep

This is another great way to tackle this peculiar issue. Thinking of the stress involved in cooking can be another reason for not wanting to decide on what to eat quickly. When you meal prep, it makes processing time shorter and the thought of what to eat/ cooking your entire meal wouldn’t be such a burden.

Go on dates

What To Do When You Don't Know What To Eat

Ladies would love this one. Accept the offer of that bro that has been asking to take you out on a lunch date, love they say, happens in strange places, you never can tell where yours will happen .I’ve also heard that great friendships begin over a plate of food. I heard this story about a lady who saved $15k(that’s way over 15 million naira!) from going on dates regularly. What’s your excuse? What’s stopping you from becoming the next millionaire by using this update?

If you’re a religious person, I suggest you consider it an opportunity to go on a fast and pray bombastic side-eye

We have a thriving community of foodies and great food vendors on Fusion. Don’t just take my word for it, download the app and join our Food and drinks community, Tiara Food Quest community, learn new recipes, be inspired, ask questions on what to eat, place your order for food and make payment on Fusion. See ya!

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