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5 Undeniable Signs That Prove You’re A Foodie

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5 Undeniable Signs That Prove You’re A Foodie

We all have one person in our lives who doesn’t joke with food, they are always particular about how well the food is made, they know when there is an excess of salt or spice they would tell you about the texture of the swallow, etc. I know someone that the mom wouldn’t allow her to dish the food when she visits home for the safety of the meat in the pot. Wait a minute, maybe that person is you! 

Since no one has called you nicknames like; “Minister for food” but deep down inside you can tell that good food communicates with you in a language that only your stomach can interpret, well, you are in the right place because today we are going to be revealing the inner foodie in you. Grab some popcorn guys as we go through some undeniable signs that confirm you’re a foodie.

Breaking your fast before time

break your fast befor it is time -  Undeniable Signs That Prove You’re A Foodie

This is the period where most Christians are usually fasting. If you’re starting to feel anxious and the idea of a fast seems to scare  you, then you might just be a foodie. If you manage to survive the entire day on an empty stomach and find that when you break your fast you would be having a 5-course meal with all the needed blend of drinks, my dear, own it with your full chest you are a foodie.

Meeting the ushers for food

 At that last wedding party you attended, you observed that the waiters weren’t bringing food to your table or they brought food but it wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted some swallow and some heavy-duty protein that would keep you busy but unfortunately, they didn’t remember your table and others were complaining. You stood up and 5 minutes later, you returned, heralded by a train of waiters carrying multiple plates and assorted food and everyone hailed you, “Chairman!” Somewhere in your mind, you ought to realize that you love food! You love good food and you like it served on time. You are a foodie, come and collect the registration form.

You know all the best restaurants

you know all the best restaurants - Undeniable Signs That Prove You’re A Foodie

Whenever it’s hangout night everyone wants you to tag along because you always know the best restaurants and have a way of making unforgettable memories through the experience of good food. Yet, you say you are not a foodie but when you walk into any fine restaurant the waiters call you by your first name, don’t be shy come and collect your badge of honour you are a senior member of the Foodie Nation.

Your Gallery/Social media feed shows food

gallery showing food -Undeniable Signs That Prove You’re A Foodie

Have you scanned your gallery at a glance and discovered you have more food (related) pictures than actual photos of people or have you looked at your socials and all you can see any time you scroll through is one local or international chef whipping up a new recipe? Unlike most people, you try to replicate the meal and it seems you are really good at it too. Just place your right hand on your chest and say out loud 🔊 “ I am a foodie.”

You cook beyond the cook book

If you love to cook great meals and your meals always look and taste better than those of others, even the Chefs in the house. And when you’re done, you take your time to eat well, please you don’t need a soothsayer to tell you that you are a foodie.

Let’s not forget those that can’t cook to save their lives but have the capacity to represent Nigeria at a foodie Olympics(if ever one held…lol), you are the real MVP, take your flowers!

To meet other foodies, share your love for food and learn new cooking techniques/hacks, join Fusion’s food and drinks community. I’ll be waiting for you.

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