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5 Things You Should Never Post On Social Media

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things you should never say on social media

If I could define social media in one sentence, I would call it the “crazy world of cruise and communication.” Sometimes the app would prompt us with the question: “What is on your mind?”  Most people take this question literally and proceed to bare it all on social media.

Well, this is a choice that has some consequences and might spiral into events that you might not have predicted (Those streets were not made for the fainthearted). People’s  homes have been invaded and robbed because they gave out too much information on a social media app. While some have had their past catch up with them because they wanted to post just one more thing. Here are five things you shouldn’t post on social media 

Negative Things About Your Employers

Negative Things About Your Employers

You might not like your job but going out to social media to air your grievances on your employer is one of the biggest No-Nos ever! One thing you need to know is that, aside from the reputational damage you would cause the organization, it would also make your future employers apprehensive about employing you. This is different from whistle-blowing if your organization has gone rogue and is doing something illegal. 

Negative Things About Your Spouse Or Anyone (Hate speech)

Hate speech as 5 Things You Should Never Post On Social Media

Speaking bad about someone is something you don’t want to get involved in, most times you could get so infuriated with someone’s actions and you might just want to post about it or call the person out on social media but before you click on the send button give it a second thought, because you might just be doing irreparable damage to the person’s image especially because social media never forgets and the harm done cannot just be erased. Always give people a second chance, never call out a race on social media, do not be found wanting when it comes to racism.

Locations and activities of your underaged children (especially when you aren’t with them).

underaged children as 5 Things You Should Never Post On Social Media

Children are called innocent for a reason and one of these reasons is because they know nothing and just want to be able to bask in their childishness but once an adult person begins to seek validation by putting out the activities of their kids on social media, this becomes a recipe for disaster. In a world where we have paedophiles and other kinds of people who prey on children, it’s not too much to keep the details of our children’s lives off social media.

Access Codes To Your Money (or that you just made a lot of money)

access code as 5 Things You Should Never Post On Social Media

You love to take pictures but not all pictures are meant for public consumption, you don’t want strangers having copies of your nude pictures so why would you want to post pictures of your accessing the bank or displaying your ATM card details on your public social media space. Announcing that you just made a lot of money with pictures showing you spraying cash may just be an indication that you want to be robbed. So please be careful what you post online.   

Past Crimes

behind bars for past crimes

Your past is your past and the laws are changing every day, bragging about a past life might just be a harbinger of receiving punishment for crimes you would have been exempted from initially. Also, you might bring the wrath of people whom you have hurt in the past and they can begin to come after you or worse case, friends from the past would want to establish old relationships beginning a journey back to a life of crime. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t do restitution if you feel a need to but social media is not the place or platform for that. 

While social media might be a very rough place, there’s also a lot of positive stuff to see, do  and learn there. Why don’t you leverage the innumerable possibilities on that platform, create value, generate wealth and become one of the many individuals we celebrate today for their positive impact. 

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