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10 Comfort Foods Nigerians Love The Most

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Picture showing moin moin as Nigerian comfort food

When you feel like the world is going too fast and you just want to slow it down and don’t know what to do, I can recommend one solution that I try: comfort food! 

The nostalgia you get when you try comfort foods reminds you of those things that are really important like family and a reason to live. The day might be stressful, but you can de-stress with a favorite comfort food and this my dear friend is why Nigerians, especially Lagosians aren’t raving the street mad because Lagos stress can be something else. 

In case you don’t know what comfort food exists in Nigeria, here is a list of some of the ones Nigerians love the most

Pepper Soup

Picture showing pepper soup as Nigerian comfort food

Pepper soup is a peppery and watery delicacy that can be cooked with meat, fish, shrimp, or a mix of all of them. Pepper soup is a comfort food for most people in Nigeria and a bad day can just go away if you can find a hot plate of pepper soup and a cold drink. Your tears and sadness would change to sniffs born out of the effect of pepper on the taste buds. 

It has so many combos and if you have not tried this as a comfort food, we might need to have your nationality checked.  

Dodo (Fried Plantain) 

Picture showing fried plantain as Nigerian comfort food

This comfort food made out of fried ripe plantain can be so soft that a mere taste is sure to make you forget all your problems in life and move from sad to happy in 0.5 seconds or less. 

It can be eaten with different sides like eggs, pap, stew beans etc. but the bottom line is that if you are looking for a comfort food, well this delicacy gives life to the words – comfort food.


Picture showing abacha as Nigerian comfort food

Champion of the East but loved all over, Abacha is a comfort food that defeated Okpa to make it to this list of exceptional comfort foods from Nigeria.  This comfort food is made with Cassava, vegetables, palm oil, and meat, fish or ponmo. It’s a quick meal to make and it’s packed with love and a sweet taste.

Puff Puff 

Picture showing puff puff

The legend of every Nigerian’s childhood. The one who stays true to us even in adulthood. The one who is so legendary that it’s served even in a place where comfort is needed most -at burials alongside Akara. 

Puff-puff is the ice breaker in a stressful situation, when your guest serves puff puff there is a joy it brings. Some people go further to pepper their puff-puff others like theirs plain and oily. 

Puff-puff is a very nice comfort food that can be eaten on the go and while that loud horn blares in traffic, you can go into reverie with a quick bite of puff-puff. The best part is that it goes so well with anything including ice cream, soft drinks, tea, or even water. 


Picture showing a bowl of pap

This comfort food is made out of corn or guinea corn, for me the guinea corn brand is my favorite. It’s quite tasty when mixed with chocolate powder. This corn meal is so sweet and has a super ability to appear cool at the surface but hold a considerable amount of heat. 

After a stressful, rainy day you can relax and allow your mouth a spoon filled with its sweetness to launch into a world of nostalgia and reverie. It can be taken with Akara, bread, Moi-moi, etc. Try it and thank me later.


Picture showing garri and groundnut as Nigerian comfort food

The king of the park, everyone calls this guy their comfort food. A quick meal made with cassava flakes, cold or cool water, sugar, and as an additive you can add groundnut, Kuli-kuli, etc. 

This bad boy takes away your pain literally and gives you the strength to dream again. Funny how the right garri slaps and yet takes away every stress you have had through the day while quenching your hunger. 

People in the hood use this comfort to also knock off the effects of drugs for those who had taken that to escape reality, with garri you’re soothed without any side effects.


Picture showing akara as Nigerian comfort food

There is no going wrong with Akara, the popular black-eyed pea cake or bean cake made with onion, pepper, etc and with a touch of love, especially the ones gotten at the bus stop on a rainy day after a hard day at work. 

That type that still stays hot even though the nylon wrap is being pummelled by the rain drops, and  its steam softens the newspaper covering it. 

It’s also the kind you might not want to keep on the dining table until you’re readily available to devour it, for fear that it would disappear by the hands of your loved ones and there would be nothing you can do about it. 

It goes with pap(guinea corn or corn pudding) or bread or whatever you choose. 


Picture showing chin chin

Chin-Chin is chewy comfort food baked out of flour and other ingredients. It’s always delicious to chew and you could finish a bucket without knowing it. 

It takes away the stress and gives your thoughts wings, taking it to a good place where you would want to be. When you share this comfort food in a group, the group becomes activated with love and joy.

Moi Moi 

Picture showing moi moi as Nigerian comfort food

This is a special comfort food made out of black-eyed peas, onion pepper and sometimes egg made into a pudding. 

This comfort food has a place in my heart and goes with almost everything from pap to bread to Agidi( Maize pudding) to rice etc. It’s a universal comfort food from Nigeria.

Nigerian Buns

Picture showing buns, Nigerian comfort food

Buns, the twin brother of Puff puff, is a popular comfort food on the streets and is mostly sold by men, carried around in a transparent glass box. 

Once you perceive the aroma of this buns ehn, your legs might develop a mind of their own and you might not regain consciousness until your mouth begins to dance after the second bite. 

This comfort food can be taken with a drink, ice cream or  water or any other beverage of choice. 

If you want to get this comfort food make sure you get enough because even a stranger can ask you for a bit, so be willing to share the comfort.

For more great updates about food, you should join our “Food and Drinks” community on Fusion. 

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