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Mental Health Reset: Self-Care Habits for a Stress-Free New Year

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picture showing dancing man

January will test your patience, your bank account, and your mental health. From endless “Happy New Year” messages to unsolicited advice about your single status, life can get overwhelming.

I know you might have made new year resolutions and goals to help you get through, but like most people, you probably didn’t take self-care and your mental health into consideration when making all these plans. 

So, I’ve put together a guide to self-care habits that will have you gliding through the year.

Block, Delete, Repeat

picture showing a big X button

First things first, let’s talk about your mental health kryptonite—your contact list. 

That aunty who keeps asking when you’ll marry? Block her. That “urgent 2k” friend who only calls when they need something? Block them too. Your ex who suddenly sends you “New Year vibes”? BLOCK WITH CAPITAL LETTERS.

Your peace of mind is priceless. Protect it.

RELATED: 5 Reasons You Should Cut People Off Before 2025

Set Boundaries  

picture showing a young man saying no for his mental health

We all know Nigerians can be boundary-less people. If you let them, they’ll come to your house uninvited, mess it up, finish your food, and still blame you for not being hospitable enough. 

In this 2025, practice the art of saying NO. Say it loud, say it proud, and don’t explain. 

Remember, “no” is a complete sentence.

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

picture showing man dancing as a mental health exercise

Nothing clears the mind like a good dance session. 

Whether it’s break dance or shaku shaku, let loose and shake off the stress.

But please, ensure you’re in a safe space—this is Nigeria, don’t trend for the wrong reasons.

Schedule a “Do Nothing” Day

picture showing young lady doing nothing for her mental healt6h and self-care

Between work, side hustles, and social media scrolling, when was the last time you did absolutely nothing? 

This 2025, pick one day every month where you sleep, binge-watch your favorite series, and ignore the world. 

Avoid Family Group Chats at All Costs

picture showing a couple looking at their phones

Family WhatsApp groups are emotional war zones. 

From “Good Morning Jesus” messages to that one uncle dropping questionable health advice, it’s a lot. 

Mute the group, skim through the highlights, and save your sanity. 

You can love them from a distance.

Invest in Comfort Snacks

picture showing woman eating comfort snacks for her mental health

Forget about fitfam! Snacks are therapeutic. Whether it’s gala, plantain chips, chinchin, whatever works for you. 

Always keep something handy for those moments when life is giving you shege.

Treat Yourself Like You’re Dangote

picture showing treat yourself for your mental health

I know your budget might not agree, but sometimes, you need to spoil yourself. 

Buy that jacket, eat at that fancy restaurant (after checking for promo deals), and live like a billionaire in transit. 

Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s survival.

RELATED: How To Ball on a Budget in Nigeria

Laugh Like a Toddler 

picture showing a laughing man

Laughter is medicine, and we have the best comedy material on the planet. 

Follow those skit makers, join Twitter banter, and watch local news for unintentional humor. 

Just avoid commenting on political posts—you don’t want DSS showing up uninvited.

Sleep Is Not a Luxury—It’s Mandatory

picture showing an trying to get some sleep for his mental health

Listen, no hustle is worth your health. 

I know we love to say “I’ll sleep when I’m rich,” but who will enjoy the riches if you’re always dead? 

Get your 7-8 hours and let your body recharge. The hustle will still be there when you wake up.

Keep Your Power Bank Close 

picture showing a power bank connected to a phone

Finally, no matter how chaotic life gets, keep hope alive. This is Nigeria—we thrive on vibes and cruise.. 

Just make sure your power bank is charged at all times, it’s a major hack for survival. 

So, in this 2025, keep your snacks handy, and your Do Not Disturb button firmly activated. 

Remember, your mental health is more important than anything else. 

May this year bring fewer shege and more pepper dem moments. 

Cheers to a stress-free 2025!

Want more tips on surviving 2025 with your mental health intact? Join me on Fusion’s Health and Wellbeing community..

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