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Concert Etiquette 101: How Not to Embarrass Yourself at a Show

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concert etiquettes

So, you’re headed to your favorite artist’s concert, ready to show off your ‘I was here first’ vibe, but before you start living your best life (and causing chaos), There are basic concert etiquettes you need to follow.  

Concerts are meant to be a good time, not an audition for the next season of “How To Get Kicked Out of a Show.” You’ve to make sure you don’t end up being the one everyone talks about for the wrong reasons. 

Here’s how to behave like someone that has hometraining (even if you don’t, pretend you do please) – so you can avoid embarrassing yourself. 

Most importantly, don’t be that person who gets posted on Instablog for all the wrong reasons.

1. Arrive Early 

concert etiquettes

Imagine you walk in 30 minutes late, and the crowd is already vibing, your favorite song is playing, and you have to squeeze past everyone like a snake. Not cute. Don’t be the person who arrives when the show’s already started — show some respect for your fave’s opening act, too. Yes, we know traffic in Lagos is a personal drama, but if you want to make a grand entrance, at least make sure the entrance is, well, on time.

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2. Respect People’s Personal Space 

Look, we get it. You’re hyped, the music is hitting different, and your body is giving you all the dance moves you never knew you had. But please, don’t become the human version of a Nigerian traffic jam. Keep your elbows in, your personal space respected, and don’t start bumping into people anyhow. Space is the one thing we all want at a concert — don’t ruin it for others. Be considerate, and if you’re feeling extra, throw in a “Excuse me, please” before you dance like no one’s watching.

3. Your Phone Isn’t A Camera Crew

concert etiquettes

Yes, we know you’re obsessed with your Snapchat and Instagram story, but this isn’t the time to turn your phone into a one-person film crew. It’s cute to get a few seconds of your fave on stage, but no one wants to stare at your phone screen for 20 minutes while you get the perfect angle. Put that phone down, my friend, and live in the moment! If you must record, do it quickly, and for goodness sake, don’t hold your phone up like it’s your only chance at a TikTok viral moment.

4. Openers Are People Too – Show Them Some Love

concert etiquettes

We know you came for your main artist, but let’s not disrespect the opening act. They’re not just there to test the sound system; they’re working hard to warm up the crowd. If you’re not feeling them, fine, but at least don’t scroll through your phone like you’re waiting for a Yaba market delivery. Give them the respect they deserve. Who knows? You might just find a new artist to follow.

5. Alcohol Is Not Your Spirit Animal

Yes, it’s okay to have a drink or two, but please don’t let that Long Island cocktail or beer turn you into the human equivalent of a loudspeaker. Keep your cool. No one wants to hear you slurring the lyrics to every song like it’s your personal audition for a karaoke competition. If you’re tipsy, maybe sit down and save the energy for dancing later. The concert is not a bar, and you are not the DJ.

6. Don’t Start Your Own Concert – Let The Artist Sing!

concert etiquettes

We know you’re a legend in the shower, but there’s a time and place to sing. If the song is hitting, it’s okay to belt it out, but don’t start singing over the artist like it’s your debut performance. It’s their show, not yours. Keep your voice to a reasonable level and let the professional do their job. No one came for the “Nigerian Idol” auditions, not unless you’re ready to join the artists on stage (and I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon).

7. Clean Up After Yourself 

Littering is not the vibe. Throwing your empty drink cups, wrappers, and other stuff on the ground is just rude. Show some love to the venue management and your fellow fans by tossing your trash in the bins. Do you know how annoying it is to step on crushed cups during a performance? Don’t be that person. Adhere to standard concert etiquettes (and basic home training, tbh!)

8. Respect The Artist – They’re Here For You

There’s no need for booing, hissing, or any of that nonsense. If you’re not feeling the performance, just chill. No one likes being the target of negativity, especially when they’re putting on a show to entertain you. If you hate it that much, feel free to head home; no be by force. You’re not on a reality TV show, so drop the drama.

9. Ladies, Don’t Lose Your Home Training When the Artist Calls You on Stage

Your favourite artist points at you and says, “You! Come up here!” Now, you’re up on stage, living your best life, but please — don’t let the excitement make you forget your home training. This is not the time to start acting like you’ve just been crowned Miss Universe; or worse, a video vixen turned stripper. Yes, it’s a big deal, but it’s still a concert, not an audition for “The Real Housewives of Lagos.”

Basic concert etiquettes demand that you keep it cute, keep it classy, and don’t start performing like you’re trying to win a Grammy. A little grace and poise go a long way, and your fave will thank you for it — and so will the crowd.

At the end of the day, concerts are about enjoying good music, great vibes, and connecting with others who are just as obsessed with your favourite artist as you are. 

As long as you follow these concert etiquettes (basically just be cool and respectful), you’ll have a blast. Who knows? You might even end up making new friends. Or, at the very least, not becoming a meme.

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