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How to Spoil Your Woman

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how to spoil your woman

There is an unspoken agreement across the world to specially celebrate women all through March, even though March 8 is International Women’s Day. Beyond March, what have you done to make the women in your life feel special? Whether she’s your partner, mother, sister, or friend, showing appreciation and pampering her can strengthen your bond.

One key factor to spoiling your woman effortlessly is understanding her love language. This is sure to do the magic. It’s no secret that there are 5 love languages – gifts, acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch –  but in recent times, I’ve observed new love language trends like; money, food, prompt replies to reels links shared by your partner, etc have been stacked on top of the love language list even though they fit perfectly into one or more of the existing boxes (love languages). Let’s explore some of the ways you can spoil your special woman.

Thoughtful Gestures

picture showing display of thoughtful gesture as a way to spoil your woman

 It’s been said many times that “one cannot know the heart of a woman and one cannot please women” but that is not always true, especially when you are thoughtful about what you want to do for her. Thoughtful gestures could be in many forms, depending on your partner’s love language. A thoughtful act like; surprise breakfast in bed –something sumptuous with a personal touch (you don’t have to know how to cook, you can place an order and have it delivered to her residence), throwing random hand written love/appreciative notes in between her stuff, calling/texting out of the blues to let her know you care or you’re thinking about her, a hug in her low moments, a listening ear at the appropriate times, I could go on and on but different strokes for different folks, right? The key to thoughtful gestures is knowing your woman and stealing every opportunity to let her know you care. 

Support Her Dreams

picture showing support as a way to spoil your woman

Every woman has a dream, do you know the dreams of your loved ones? Well, If you don’t know please begin to make efforts to know and to encourage her entrepreneurial spirit, her career as well as her everyday aspirations. If she has business aspirations, support her. Attend her pop-up shop, promote her products on social media, be invested in her dreams and encourage her to exceed her goals. 

Celebrate her achievements and acknowledge her accomplishments publicly. Whether she’s a lawyer, doctor, artist, trader or teacher, celebrate her impact on society.

Never Forget Special Dates and Occassions

picture showing a way to spoil your woman

Remembering important dates is more than just a memory exercise; it’s an opportunity to show your love and appreciation. Whether it’s her birthday, your anniversary, or any other significant occasion, it’s an opportunity to make noise about the woman you love and you better take advantage of it and let the world know that this day is dedicated to your queen. 

I know it’s hard to remember dates religiously so use technology to your advantage. Set alarms, reminders, and notifications on all your devices. Make sure these dates are etched into your digital calendar. It’s a small effort that goes a long way. 

Now, it’s not enough to merely remember the date. Take it up a notch. Plan surprises, thoughtful gestures, or heartfelt gifts. Show her that you’ve put thought and effort into making the day special. Celebrate her intentionally. Whether it’s a quiet dinner at home or an extravagant outing, make it about her. Listen to her preferences and tailor the celebration accordingly. Remember, it’s not about the price tag; it’s about the sentiment. Sometimes, the simplest gestures mean the most and these small acts of remembrance and celebration can strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

P.S – Please ignore her protests when she says, “Don’t make a fuss.” (Make the fuss and you’ll thank me later). 

Give Her An Experience To Remember

picture showing an experience to remember

Experiences are the building blocks of cherished memories. When it comes to spoiling your woman, focus on crafting unforgettable experiences that she’ll hold dear forever. Take the time to understand her desires and then go above and beyond to fulfill them. Whether it’s treating her to luxurious spa days, whisking her away on romantic getaways or solo vacations, embarking on thrilling adventures like horseback riding or skydiving, make each moment count. These shared experiences not only deepen your bond but also inspire you both to pursue new goals together, enriching every aspect of your lives.

Prioritize Her

picture showing prioritize her as a way to spoil your woman

In the midst of life’s endless demands and distractions, it is important to prioritize your woman above all else. Even if you’re pressed for time, dedicate every moment you can to her. Whether it’s just five minutes or an entire evening, be fully present and attentive. Put away your devices (or put them on silent mode) and anything else that might distract you. Hold her hand, look into her eyes and actively engage in conversation, showing her that she has your undivided attention. Make it obvious through your words and actions that she is your top priority at that moment. When you’re away, keep in touch, call regularly, text randomly and reply calls/texts promptly to let her know she’s always on your mind. By consistently demonstrating her importance, you’ll strengthen your connection and make her feel truly cherished.

Leverage The Power Of Love Languages

picture showing love as a way to spoil your woman

Most times, people ask, “What’s your love language?”  I think a better way to ask that question would be, “What’s your predominant love language?” This is because just like a polyglot, everyone speaks a bit of each love language, you are just more fluent in one than the other. Leverage your knowledge of the love languages and your partner’s preference to transform your woman into a love spoilt queen. 

Remember, spoiling your woman isn’t just about material gifts; it’s about showing love, respect, and appreciation. Good luck with spoiling your woman! 

Join the “Dating and Relationship” community on Fusion for more tips.  

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