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6 Things Every Fresher Should Know About Nigerian Universities

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Nigerian Universities

JAMB/UTME has come and gone and congratulations to you if you were given admission either to your dream course or to the course you never even considered. Regardless of which category you fall into, the main thing is that you will soon be in university.

The University environment is completely different from whatever environment you are used to. You will see all sorts of people, perspectives, and phenomena. But don’t worry we’ve got you. Just because you’re a fresher does not mean you have to be naive. In this article, we’ll enlighten you on 6 things you should know about Nigerian Universities. 

Avoid rushing into friendships

Nigerian Universities

As a fresher in any of the Nigerian Universities, you will meet persons from all different kinds of backgrounds so you need to take your time to observe and listen to the people who are around you before committing to a friendship. For your own good, don’t feel pressured to fit into a particular group or clique, before you do mistake enter cult. It will only end in regret. 

Instead, build relationships with your peers based on shared interests, values, and genuine connections. There will always be 419ers in the university so be wary of such kinds of people who try to manipulate or use you for their personal gain.

If you take your time to choose your friends, you’ll be successful in nurturing relationships with people who support and encourage you. Who knows? These friendships may even outlive your university days.

Embrace your individuality

Nigerian Universities

In the university, you’ll meet all sorts of individuals with their quirks and perspectives. But remember, you are you! Instead of trying to be like someone else, focus on developing strengths, skills, and passions. For your own self-development, set personal goals and work towards achieving them.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to admire people and aspire to be like them. But avoid the negative attitude of comparing yourself to others; rather learn from their experiences and successes.

If you want to succeed in a Nigerian University, you’ll need to develop a growth mindset and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. The crux is to always celebrate your uniqueness and never try to conform to societal norms!

Be selective with social events

As a fresher, you’ll be invited to several gatherings and there might even be a freshers’ week stacked with social events. But that doesn’t mean you have to attend all. It is wise to prioritize events that align with your interests, hobbies, or academic goals.

Prioritizing events you’ll attend will help you use your time wisely to balance socializing with academic responsibilities. When considering events to attend, consider attending events that promote personal growth, networking, or community service.

Learn to say “no” to events that don’t align with your values or goals.

Manage your finances wisely

Many students in Nigerian universities (please if you’re in private uni, I don’t think you can relate) know that the S in Student stands for Sapa. If you know, you know. To avoid being broke all the time (you’ll definitely be broke sometimes, trust me) create a budget and track your expenses. 

Avoid overspending or making impulsive purchases. Instead, prioritize needs over wants, and save for emergencies and long-term goals.

It will be good for you if you consider opening a savings account or investing in a secure fund. Essentially, avoid borrowing money unless it is absolutely necessary. Nothing hinders financial stability and growth like debt. Be wise! Sapa did not come to play.

Be cautious of unsolicited advice

As a fresher in any of the Nigerian universities, you’ll receive unsolicited advice from everyone and anyone – cleaners, security, lecturers, family, coursemates, seniors. The list goes on. Always verify information through trusted sources, such as academic advisors or mentors.

Use your judgment and critical thinking when making decisions. It is better to consider seeking advice from multiple sources before making a decision. When seeking such advice though, be cautious of scams or fraudulent people who promise unrealistic benefits.

Recognize the importance of your first year

Nigerian Universities

Nigerian universities grade students using the CGPA method. This means that your overall result will be a cumulative average of all your years of study. Your first year will set the foundation for your academic success. Therefore, it’s imperative that you develop good study habits, time management skills, and a growth mindset.

You don’t have to do it on your own, though. Don’t be afraid to seek help from lecturers, tutors, or classmates when needed. If possible, consider seeking academic advising or counselling to help you navigate your first year.

Try to stay organized and keep track of your assignments, deadlines, and academic progress. This will be very profitable to your academic success in the long run.

By following these tips and advice as a fresher in a Nigerian University, you can set yourself up for success, build a strong foundation for your academic journey, and make the most of your university experience.

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